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EcoSwachh 3R Multi-Surface Disinfectant spray is Suitable for both hard and soft surfaces. Contains neem biofunctionalized active nano particles. Effective against disease causing microorganisms. Ideal to use at home or office. Can be used to disinfect the surface of gadgets, work tables, sofa, door handies etc.Isopropyl Alcohol, Aqua, Neem functionalized active nano-particles, Natural fragrance. Q factor :- 1. Well Suits to modern and green lifestyle 2. Chemical free cleaning products, made of Natural Ingredients 3. Easy to use, Low lather formulation 4. Completely biodegradable 5. Removes surface microbes, and sterilize the surface effectively 6. Safe on skin, kind to subsoil and aquatic life 7. Value addition to natural resources and benefit to farming community. Benefits :- 1. Chemical free products 2. Natural Cleaners made of botanical ingredients 3. Safe to user, Ecofriendly, and natural origin 4. Appliance friendly, Suits to modern lifestyle 5. Biodegradable, Safe and kind to Subsoil and Environment. Shelf life :- 24 months from date of manufacture. Shake the bottle well before using. Spray on the surface from a distance of 20 cm. Allow the surface to dry. Store in cool and dry place. For external use only. Keep out of reach of children.

Brics Bio Multi-Surface Disinfectant Spray (200 ml)

SKU: 101100172004700

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