An Authentic Village Farm
AAVF (An Authentic Village Farm) is a working model of sustainable livelihood and its economics is based on Cow. We try to showcase here how a Cow can bring considerable changes and prosperity in one’s life. If all agriculture land holders follow the practice of keeping desi cow, how the health, wealth and environment improves significantly. We feel this change in our lives and hence propagate this message.


Room Details
British style room with terracotta tile roof and fireplace
Attached bath and verandah
DTH and TV
Dedicated work space
Hot and cold water
Ground floor
Size : 18' x 18'
Room Tariff - Rs. 1650/- ( For two adults, including breakfast )
Extra bed - Rs. 500/- per person
Total Capacity - 4 Adults
Terms & Conditions
We DO NOT allow unmarried couple to stay at our farm. Only Families and friends are WELCOME
For your convenience and comfort please order food well in advance so that your demands can be fulfilled.
We serve hot food from 8.00 am till 9.00 pm only, thereafter we keep the hot food in casseroles.
We do not permit our guests to cook food or do any activity in our kitchen
We do not permit outside food and discourage use of plastic.
We do not cook or allow non vegetarian food.
Yet, our property is pet friendly, but we do not allow pets to sleep on the beds.
For security and safety reasons, access to pool area is limited from 6.00 AM till 8.00 PM
Any damage to property, equipment, plants, trees, or any object caused by the guests will be suitably charged..
Cow Based Economy Model
AAV we not only use cow and cow urine for producing organic manures and pesticides but also use it to produce fossil free bio gas and hence contribute in CO2 control. Cows are very social and don’t like to be alone. When cows digest food, fermentation results in a large amount of methane; cattle produce 250 to 500 liters of the gas per day, and it's a more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide. Livestock is responsible for 14.5 percent of all emissions, and beef and dairy cattle outpace all other livestock as methane emitters.

We have grown around 55 varieties of fruit bearing, ornamental, ayurvedic plants and shrubs and have 900 such trees in our premises. We are also conserving Buchanania lanzan (Chiraunji) which in on the verge of extintion.